Saturday, September 19, 2009

Intro to seed jewellery

Since the beginning of time we have decorated our bodies with natural objects. Even our primates wore necklaces from bone, teeth, seeds and plants.

Today most people think of natural jewellery as shiny pieces or coral, pearls or precious stones set in gold or silver. Who would ever believe that some of the most unusual and striking pieces would actually come from plants? Seed being the source of life.

Polished wooden beads, colorful seeds and pieces of palm, bamboo, stones, shells, and tropical hardwoods and nuts are worked into intricate filigree wire jewellery, strung on fine nylon filament or chains, or woven into elaborate designs of macramé with a strong waxed nylon thread that rival any synthetic costume jewellery.

In terms of aesthetic beauty and intrinsic value, plant jewellery may rank as high as gemstones. Exotic seeds from native cultures through out the world often come with fabulous tales about their origins and legendary uses and meanings.